jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011

Workshop: Aesthetics, Craft, and Care of the Fine Art Digital Print

The Image Permanence Institute (IPI), Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY, is presenting a four-day workshop on the Aesthetics, Craft, and Care of the Fine Art Digital Print. The workshop will be held on August 23 – 26, 2011 in Rochester, NY. The cost is $1,495 for early registrants.

Who should attend this workshop?

  • Fine Art Printmakers
  • Contemporary Photographers
  • Contemporary Photograph Collectors
  • Museum and Archive Professionals
  • Photograph Conservators
  • Photography Educators

Workshop Details

In a small group setting, this lecture and hands-on style workshop will teach participants the unique aesthetics of the fine art digital print and help them understand their distinguishing characteristics. Presentation of the history and application of digital print technologies will be followed by demonstrations of the fine art inkjet printing process. Additional topics include basic color management theory and the use of various tools and software currently available for monitor and printer calibration. A discussion on how digital print processes are currently being used for fine art reproduction will also be provided. Print samples will illustrate the consequence of different software settings and common image workflow mistakes. Print identification techniques will be taught through close examination of didactic sample sets and the use of Graphics Atlas, IPI's print characterization website. Participants will learn about physical and chemical stability issues and receive practical advice on handling, storage enclosures, and proper display and storage conditions.

To learn more or to register for the workshop please go to:www.imagepermanenceinstitute.org/imaging/fine-art-digital-print-workshop

If you have any questions contact:

Patti Ford
Email: pafpph@rit.edu
Phone: (585) 475-2843

martes, 15 de marzo de 2011


© Rebecca Mutell



13, 14 y 15 de mayo de 2011

El colodión húmedo es el proceso más emblemático de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Con él se documentaron expediciones, obras de Arquitectura e Ingeniería y conflictos armados como la Guerra de Secesión americana, al tiempo que hizo posible el retrato para el gran público. En el siglo XXI el progresivo interés por la recuperación de los procedimientos fotográficos primitivos (daguerrotipo, calotipo, colodión, papel salado, goma bicromatada…) está llevando a un número creciente de artistas a utilizar dichas técnicas; fotógrafos como Quinn Jacobson, Sally Mann o Jayne Hinds Bidaut entre otros, emplean el colodión para la realización de sus proyectos. Actualemente trabajar con el colodión no sólo es abrir una ventana hacia otro tiempo sino
una manera apasionante de crear.

CONTENIDOS: Introducción histórica y estética de los procesos fotográficos primitivos. Visionado y manipulación de material original de época (1850-1890): cámaras, ópticas, daguerrotipos, ferrotipos, ambrotipos y manuales técnicos. Utilización de biblio-grafía especializada: monografías, catálogos, reprints... Preparación de la química. Manipulación, procesado y acabado de los materiales. Realización de ambrotipos (imágenes positivas sobre vidrio) y ferrotipos (imágenes positivas sobre metal) por parte de cada alumno. Valoración y análisis de los resultados.
El taller incluye un dossier sobre el proceso del colodión húmedo, productos químicos y material necesario para los tres días.

Este taller está dirigido a estudiantes, fotógrafos, responsables y conservadores de archivos y museos, coleccionistas de fotografía del s. XIX y en general, a todos aquellos interesados en la historia de la fotografía.

Fechas: 13, 14 y 15 de mayo de 2011 · Horario: Viernes, Sábado y Domingo de 10 a 14 h y de 16 a 18 h · Plazas: 12 personas · Lugar:Estudio ATELIERETAGUARDIA · Precio: 295 € · Matrícula: La matrícula se realizará entre los días 10 de enero y 29 de abril de 2011 · Inscripciones: http://atelieretaguardia.com/weblog/ · info@atelieretaguardia.com

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011

Evaluation procedure for International Students

Universitá Ca'Foscari Venezia

A new admission procedure for international students has been defined starting from the academic year 2011/2012.
In particular, international students intending to enrol in First or Second Cycle Degree Programmes can ask for the evaluation of their qualification and school career before starting the official enrolment procedure.

The evaluation procedure is available starting from March 1st, 2011 and entails the electronic delivery of all of the required documents: such documents will be then assessed by the Welcome and Enrolment Office and sent to the Teaching Committees of the Degree Programmes involved.

Students will then receive notice of their full or provisional admission to the chosen Degree Programmes.

Degree Programmes
Necessary requirements
Evaluation procedure
Documents required
Full/provisional admission
University fees

Degree Programmes
International students can apply for evaluation of no more than two Degree Programmes.

Click here to visit the Educational Programmes of Ca’ Foscari University.

Necessary requirements
For admission to a Degree Programme, applicants shall be equipped with a number of requirements (qualification, schooling years), as described in the specific website page.

Evaluation procedure
The evaluation procedure includes the following steps:

online registration procedure;
filling in of the evaluation application by entering - in the Reserved Area of the university website - the username and the password given at the end of the online registration procedure and following the path: Online Student Services - ESSE3 > Evaluation Test > Foreign students' evaluation - First Cycle Degree or Second Cycle Degree.
The university will consider only applications which have been carried out according to the procedure provided for and equipped with all of the required documents.

Documents required
At the end of the evaluation application, students are required to enclose the following documents:

European curriculum vitae format;
certificate including personal data and any school/academic qualifications; in case of evaluation for a Second Cycle Degree Programme, transcript of records and relevant programmes will be required;
motivation letter.
A language certificate (at least B1 level) of English or Italian is advisable. Applicants who are native Italian or English speakers do not need to produce any certificate. Please be advised that applicants who are not provided with the Italian language certificate can take the Italian language test to be held in early September.

For evaluation purposes, the applicant can also produce a self-certificate of any required information. Yet, the original certificates shall be submitted upon enrolment.

For non-EU students residing abroad:

evaluation procedure: from March 1st, 2011 to April 30th, 2011;
notice of full/provisional admission: by April 15th for those having completed the evaluation procedure by March 30th; by May 15th for those having completed the evaluation procedure by April 30th;
submission of the pre-enrolment application to the Italian Diplomatic Delegation: starting from May 2011. Deadlines for submission are fixed by each Embassy/Consulate.
International students not included in the above-mentioned category may submit their evaluation application from March 1st to August 31st, 2011. Applications will be taken into consideration monthly. Students will receive notice of their full/provisional admission by the middle of the month following their application submission.

Full/provisional admission
By the evaluation procedure international students will be made aware of the following:

if from a learning point of view their school career allows admission to the chosen Degree Programme;
if documents submitted, school/academic qualifications and schooling years allow enrolment in the chosen Degree Programme.
At the end of the evaluation procedure, the Welcome and Enrolment Office will communicate the following information to the applicant by email:

his/her full admission to the chosen Degree Programme: in this case administrative documents and school career have been successfully evaluated and the applicant can enrol according to the procedures and the deadlines indicated in the specific website page;
his/her provisional admission: in this case the reasons why the applicant is not allowed to directly enrol in the chosen Degree Programme will be specified.
Note: in case of any successful evaluation, notice of admission to the Degree Programme does not automatically entail the applicant’s enrolment. Enrolment is anyway subject to submission of all of the required documents, as specified at the end of the evaluation procedure.

International students who will enrol in a First or Second Cycle Degree Programme after completing the above-mentioned evaluation procedure can be awarded scholarships amounting to EUR 2,000.00, along with university fees reduction for the first year.

Students can take advantage of such benefits only if evaluation procedure is carried out according to the described procedure. In order to be awarded the scholarship, students shall enrol at Ca’ Foscari University and obtain a fixed number of university credits during the first year. The call for applications for such scholarships will be published at the end of March 2011.

University fees
University and tuition fees shall be paid in two instalments.

Any relevant information can be found in the webpages concerning the 2011/2012 university fees as for First Cycle Degree Programmes or Second Cycle Degree Programmes (Italian webpages; English version coming soon).

In order to get accommodation in Venice, students who will enrol at Ca’ Foscari University can take advantage of the service offered by the Housing Office of the University (housing@unive.it).